The title says it all: 3 pupils make 3 short films together. Each student directs one film, takes the camera and stars in one. The young people choose the topics themselves. Continue reading “3 OF A KIND”

The title says it all: 3 pupils make 3 short films together. Each student directs one film, takes the camera and stars in one. The young people choose the topics themselves. Continue reading “3 OF A KIND”
Our friends at the Museum of Technology regularly give us great guided tours of Hangar 4, where three historic aircraft are being restored: Continue reading “A Visit to Hangar 4”
The first biscuits have been baked and a Christmas tree made! On Friday, the Fliegerwerkstatt invites you to the year-end and Christmas party! Be there on 20 December from 2 pm!
Continue reading “Merry and peaceful Christmas and a good start into the New Year!”
Together with our project partner ‘Arbeit und Bildung e.V.’, the programme ‘Practical training and basic qualification for young refugees’ is starting again this school year – funded by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family. During the orientation phase, all six groups come to the Fliegerwerkstatt for one week. The focus here is on arriving, getting to know each other and initial professional orientation.
Continue reading “We start with the workshop weeks”
Planned by the school’s Friends’ Association, financed by the Berliner Sparkasse, realised with the help of the Fliegerwerkstatt: a large game with 30cm high play figures has been created for the schoolyard of the Ernst Habermann primary school.
Continue reading “Come and play!”
From 03 to 24 August 2024 the Fliegerwerkstatt is closed – we look forward to seeing you in the new school year!
During the first two weeks of the summer holidays, the Fliegerwerkstatt will be open with a special programme for you: Continue reading “Our Programme for the Summer Holidays”
We have been building festival furniture for the public viewing on the apron of Tempelhof Airport for weeks.
Continue reading “Festival furniture for public viewing at Tempelhof Airport”
For the theater season at Tempelhofer Feld, we added a few more extensions to the Atze Musiktheater: Stairs, handrails, platforms and two advertising pillars were built in the Fliegerwerkstatt and assembled on site. Continue reading “Extension to the Luftschloss for the Atze Musiktheater”
Our young people have designed and built a seating area for the emergency accommodation and reception centre in Hangars 2+3 at Tempelhof Airport. Together with the refugees from the hangars the modules were planned to create spaces where people can come together in small groups. Continue reading “Lounge Areas for the Hangars 2+3”